Advance the Kingdom Together | Are We There Yet? | Week 7
In "Advancing the Kingdom Together, Pastor Chris Bonts shares the idea that one maximizes their kingdom impact by sharing their life and ministry with others. The passage for this message is Exodus 18:1-27.
Sermon Date: May 26, 2024
Passage: Exodus 18:1-27

God, Are You Here Yet? | Are We There Yet? | Week 6
In "God, Are You Here Yet?," Pastor Mark Bateman shares a message that asks us to process how we respond when life makes us weary. The Scripture is Exodus 17:1-16.
Sermon Date: May 19, 2024
Passage: Exodus 17:1-16

Baby Steps | Are We There Yet | Week 5
In "Baby Steps," Pastor Chris Bonts shares a message about how God's process is designed to grow our faith and how we should submit to God's process. Our passages are Exodus 16:1-36 and Deuteronomy 8:2-3.
Sermon Date: May 5, 2024
Passages: Exodus 16:1-36, Deuteronomy 8:2-3

So Close, Yet So Far Away | Are We There Yet? | Week 4
In "So Close, Yet So Far Away," Pastor Chris Bonts shares with us that following God's design requires trusting in God's character and that we should trust God's process. Our Scripture is Exodus 15:22-27.
Sermon Date: April 28, 2024
Passage: Exodus 15:22-27

Finding Our Voice | Are We There Yet? | Week 3
In week three of "Are We There Yet?," Pastor Chris Bonts shares a message about how if we've been a witness, we need to bear witness" from Exodus 15:1-21.
Sermon Date: April 21, 2024
Passage: Exodus 15:1-21

Courage for the Journey | Are We There Yet? | Week 2
In "Courage for the Journey," week 2 in our series "Are We There Yet?," Pastor Chris Bonts shares that the courage to follow God comes from God Himself. Our passage for this message is Exodus 13:17-14:31.
Sermon Date: April 14, 2024
Passage: Exodus 13:17-14:31

Freedom Starts Here | Are We There Yet? | Week 1
In "Freedom Starts Here," the first message in our series "Are We There Yet?," Pastor Chris Bonts shares about how when God saves us, He starts us on a new journey. Our passage for this message is Exodus 12:33-13:16.
Sermon Date: April 7, 2024
Passage: Exodus 12:33-13:16