Dr. Chris Bonts Guest Speaker Jeromy Larson John Scanlon Jon Kendrick Mark Bateman Patrick Martin Will Howell
A Different Kind of People A Gifted People Are We There Yet? Breaking Point Conflicted Heaven Life Together Living the Dream Missing Pieces Plagues & Promises Run to the Finish Ruth Songs for Life Stand-Alone Messages Take the Next Step The 10 Words The Book of Jonah The Church Out There The Conversations that Matter Uncommon Sense Unleashed
Anger Anxiety Baptism Belief Bitterness Church Courage Depression Discipline Easter Emotions Envy Evangelism Faith Family Ministry Fear Finances Forgiveness Friendship Generosity Giving God's Love Grief Guilt Heaven Hope Identity Instruction Integrity Loneliness Love Marriage Mentoring Mission Missions Pain Palm Sunday Parenting Peace Prayer Reconciliation Relationships Resurrection Sacrificial Generosity Shame Shared Lives Spiritual Gifts Spiritual Growth Stewardship Success Teaching Temptation thankfulness Uncertainty Wisdom Work Worship
1 Corinthians 1 John 1 Kings 1 Peter 1 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Corinthians Acts Colossians Deuteronomy Ephesians Exodus Galatians Haggai Hebrews Isaiah John Jonah Luke Mark Matthew Philippians Proverbs Psalms Revelation Romans Ruth Titus Various
Baby Steps | Are We There Yet | Week 5
In "Baby Steps," Pastor Chris Bonts shares a message about how God's process is designed to grow our faith and how we should submit to God's process. Our passages are Exodus 16:1-36 and Deuteronomy 8:2-3.
Passages: Exodus 16:1-36, Deuteronomy 8:2-3
The School of Life
Sermon Date: August 21, 2022
Passages: Proverbs 3:1-8, Deuteronomy 6:1-9