Senior Adults
Welcome to Senior Adults!
We know that your senior adult years can be your most fruitful years for God’s service, and that your ability to leave behind a meaningful legacy is based upon your ability to finish well.
To support you and those you love, First Baptist Middleburg offers opportunities for both fellowship and ministry to all mature adults. Great activities and wonderful small group classes will help you connect to God, His family, and His mission.
At First Middleburg, we value spiritual growth, shared lives, servant leadership, sacrificial generosity, and strong families, and we invite you to experience these for yourself. Come experience the REAL FAMILY that is First Baptist Middleburg as you worship God and partner with us in ministry to make a difference in the lives of others.

General Bible Study and Prayer Meeting meets each Wednesday from 6:30-7:45 pm in the Worship Center. During this time, we engage in meaningful worship, corporate prayer, and general studies to strengthen our walk with Christ and our witness for Christ. This service is led by our pastoral staff.
Senior adults can choose from a variety of small groups. Find a class and come on Sunday mornings for a great time of fellowship and Bible study.
Adventures & Road Trips
You will have plenty of opportunities through various adventures and road trips throughout the year. We usually take two big adventures – one in the fall and one in the spring. We’ve gone to see the Ark in Kentucky, Sight & Sound Theatre in Pennsylvania, and have participated in Senior Fest here in Florida. We also take regular day trips to go dolphin-watching, enjoy a meal at a nearby hotspot, and more.
Monday Night Fellowship Dinner
The Senior Adult Monday Night Fellowships are usually held every other month. Depending on the occasion, meals are either catered or a potluck. This is an opportunity to gather and invite friends from our community to get better acquainted with one another and enjoy a time of great food, fellowship, and entertainment.

Upcoming Events