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Median Adults

Group Type

The Knight/Potocki Group

Sundays at 9:20 am – Portable 609
Mostly comprised of young couples in their thirties and forties, desiring a Bible study that provides interactive conversation and practical applic…

The Abramowitz/Sapp Group

Sundays at 9:20 am – Room 400
A median adult class that strives to study God’s Word in a practical way and feels led to encourage and minister to our military families.

The Bumgarner/Chalker Group

Sundays at 9:20 or 10:40 am – Room 504
These are ladies’ classes that enjoy in-depth Bible study encouraging ladies to form deeper relationships through open conversations, acts of compa…

The Brandt Group

Sundays at 9:20 am – Portable 607
A median adult couple’s class who enjoys Bible studies that offer deeper discussion and interactive conversation seeking to apply the scriptures to…

The Smith/Giles Group

Sundays at 10:40 am – Room 503
A class for younger median adult men that offers various six to eight-week Bible studies, attempting to help men apply scriptural truths and princi…

The Dahn/Hopper Group

Sundays at 9:20 am – Room 422
A median adult couple’s class that enjoys a verse by verse approach to studying the scriptures and allowing them to come alive through discussion a…

The Avery Group

Sundays at 9:20 am – Portable 608
This group of median adult couples in their thirties, forties, and fifties prefer verse by verse or book by book studies through the scriptures in …