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Welcome to our Thanksgiving Food Box Giveaway!

First Come, First Serve, While Supplies Last

Thank you for joining us through our Feeding the 5,000 Thanksgiving box giveaway. It is our desire here at First Baptist Middleburg and Family Church Green Cove to be a REAL FAMILY who meets you wherever you are on the crossroads of life.

On this page, you will find resources that can help you beyond a Thanksgiving meal. We pray that you’ll look over these opportunities to see some of the ways that we can journey with you in the coming days.

Know that we are praying for your requests and that we hope to connect with you again soon.

Two Minutes That Could Change Your Life

We may not know your exact circumstances in this moment, but we do know the circumstances we all experience from living in a world full of brokenness.

The good news is that – in spite of all our brokenness – God has a plan that allows us to recover from our brokenness and pursue His good design for our lives.

One Church, Two Campuses

First Baptist Middleburg Campus

Worship Sundays at 8:00, 9:20, 10:40 am

Family Church Green Cove Campus

Worship Sundays at 6:00 pm at Clay High School

This Christmas, celebrate the sights and sounds of the season with our REAL. FAMILY! From our free Christmas concert to our candlelight Christmas services, we’ve got something that your whole family can enjoy!

Other Resources

Agape House

Food Pantry & Clothing Closet

Located on the campus of First Baptist Middleburg and open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-11 am.

Follow Us On Social Media

First Baptist Middleburg
Family Church Green Cove