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Celebrate with us the power of the resurrection this Easter!

Easter is Sunday, March 31.

Join us for A REAL. FAMILY. Easter at First Baptist Middleburg and Family Church Green Cove, featuring our worship team, powerful testimonies of transformation, and a message on the power of the resurrection.

Get a Family Photo at One of Our Photo Booths!

We will have photo booths available at both our First Baptist Middleburg and Family Church Green Cove Easter services. Grab a picture with the whole family!

Five Easter Worship Opportunities
Across Two Campuses

First Baptist Middleburg Campus

7:00 am • 8:30 am
10:00 am • 11:30 am

Family Church
Green Cove Campus

10:00 am

Childcare is provided at the 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30 am worship services for ages 8 weeks – pre-kindergarten at our First Middleburg campus only. A children’s bulletin will be provided in the foyers for children in attendance at both campuses.

A livestream of our First Middleburg campus will be available online at 10:00 am. You can watch at Church Online, Facebook, or YouTube.

Campus Locations

First Baptist Middleburg

Meets on the corner of Blanding Boulevard and Country Road 218

2645 Blanding Boulevard
Middleburg, FL 32068

Family Church Green Cove

Meets in the Clay High School Cafetorium

2025 Highway 16 West
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043

Good Friday Service

Friday, March 29 • 7:00 pm
First Baptist Middleburg Campus

Gather with our REAL. FAMILY. for an evening where we reflect on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This meaningful service will include singing some of the great hymns of our faith, a message from God’s Word on the crucifixion of Christ, and the observance of the Lord’s Supper. Make plans now to participate in this service with our church family.

If you cannot attend in person, a livestream of this service will be available on Church Online, Facebook and YouTube.